Complete Catalog / Catálogo Completo

Temperamento temerario (Colección Oeste)
Temperamento temerario
...Y en el viejo y legendario Oeste, un pistolero famoso por sus habilidades con los Colts que había decido cambiar de vida alejándose de las multitudes, tiene que volver a ...
Terrible matanza (Colección Oeste)
Terrible matanza
...Y en el viejo y legendario Oeste, un vaquero famoso por sus formas de acabar con los pistoleros y ventajistas es confundido con otro vaquero que mataba de igual manera, ...
Territorio Apache (Colección Oeste)
Territorio Apache
...Y en el viejo y legendario Oeste, en una zona dominada por un grupo de Apaches rebeldes con la ayuda de contrabandistas desalmados, la amistad entre dos vaqueros que llegan ...
Terror en la zona
Los relatos sobre el viejo o lejano oeste coincidieron con la exploración de los territorios vírgenes del “oeste” Americano. El estilo de vida que tuvieron en el viejo oeste estaba ligado ...
Testigo de una cobardía (Colección Oeste)
Testigo de una cobardía
...Y en el viejo y legendario Oeste, un vaquero es perseguido, injustamente, después de haber sido reclamado como pistolero sanguinario, pero su llegada a un pueblo inmerso en una batalla ...
The Barrier
In this classic and timeless Western novel, we encounter a story of survival, vengeance, romance, and adventure in the Alaskan wilderness. Hero Lieutenant Burrell of the United States Army is ...
The biography of Satan
Who is Satan? Where does Satan come from? Does Satan have a twin brother? Why is there a devil, a heaven, and a hell? If the devil exists, why does ...
The border legion
In this classic and timeless Western novel, heroine Joan Randle is a strong, capable woman living with her uncle in the wilds of Idaho. After a quarrel with her love ...
The call of the wild
In this classic and timeless novel, we experience the extreme conditions of the Yukon during the 19th century and the famous Klondike Gold Rush. In the story, Buck, a domesticated ...
The castle of Otranto
In this classic and timeless novel, we are immersed in a tale of adventure, romance, death, suspense, and supernatural occurrences. The Castle of Otranto tells the story of Manfred, lord ...
The day of the beast
In this classic and timeless novel, Daren Lane, a war hero, returns from the battlefields of World War I to the mid-western United States during very delicate times. Lane’s arrival ...
The farther adventures of Robinson Crusoe
This novel is the captivating sequel to the original adventures of the famed adventurer Robinson Crusoe. In this classic and timeless novel, Crusoe the adventurer finds himself bored with his ...
The haunted hotel
In this classic and timeless novel, we experience the beauty and mystic of the waterways and palaces in Venice, while a mysterious death and a ghostly apparition take place. These ...
The human machine
“You are the most fascinating bit of machinery that ever was. You do yourself less than justice. It is said that men are only interested in themselves. The truth is ...
The importance of being Earnest
This classic and timeless play is a gelastic comedy in which the protagonists maintain fictitious characters in order to escape burdensome social obligations. Working within the social conventions of late ...
The lone star ranger
In this classic and timeless Western novel, gunslinger Buck Duane will go from being an outlaw to becoming an outlaw hunter. In the first part of the book, Buck Duane ...
The Mansion
In this classic and timeless story, the great Henry van Dyke sets forth the ideals of kindness, sympathy, fellowship, and self-sacrifice that permeate the human soul. In our struggle to ...
The Monk
In this classic and timeless novel, we encounter a tale of lust, struggle, and violence, in what became the most famous work of Matthew Lewis. In its day, the novel ...