Through the looking-glass

In this classic and timeless story, which is also the sequel to one of the greatest stories of all time, Alice in Wonderland, we now follow Alice and her adventures in a fantastic land where everything is reversed–a mirror image of itself. Alice encounters talking flowers, madcap kings and queens, and becomes a pawn in a bizarre chess game involving Humpty Dumpty, Tweedledum, and Tweedledee, as well as other amusing characters. This edition features original illustrations by the famous John Tenniel. Tenniel is most noted for two major accomplishments: he was the principal political cartoonist for England’s Punch magazine for over 50 years, and he was the artist who illustrated Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass.

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The Monk

Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 4.39.02 PMIn this classic and timeless novel, we encounter a tale of lust, struggle, and violence, in what became the most famous work of Matthew Lewis. In its day, the novel was chastized by critics for its supposed profanity and obscenity, and bought in large numbers by readers eager to see whether it lived up to its reputation. The story is set in the sinister monastery of the Capuchins in Madrid, Spain. The Monk recounts the diabolical decline of Ambrosio, a Capuchin superior, who succumbs first to temptations offered by a young girl who has entered his monastery disguised as a boy, and continues his descent with increasingly depraved acts of sorcery, murder, incest, and even torture. The Monk is also violent tale of ambition, murder, and incest. The novel showcases the great struggles between maintaining monastic vows and fulfilling personal ambitions a well as the personal demons that overcome personal virtue. A major theme prevalent in gothic novels contemporaneous to The Monk is that of the morality tale juxtaposed onto a horrific and often violent plot, laden with real or perceived supernaturalism. The Monk is also the first book to successfully feature a priest as the villain.

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La salida era matar

En la reunión, hubo siete pistolas que dispararon a la vez a un indefenso hombre. Ninguno podría decir nada porque sería incriminado como asesino. Fue cerrado el caso. Pasado el tiempo, cuando todos ellos pensaban estar ya seguros, empezaron a ser asesinados uno por uno. Dick Pelham era un joven que había triunfado en la vida y que por casualidad entra en contacto con un extraño personaje.

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The call of the wild

In this classic and timeless novel, we experience the extreme conditions of the Yukon during the 19th century and the famous Klondike Gold Rush. In the story, Buck, a domesticated dog, is snatched from a pastoral ranch in California, and thereafter sold into a brutal life as a sled dog. At the time, strong sled dogs were in high demand and considered vital for the conquest of the ice. After Buck’s arrival into his new environment, Buck struggles to adjust and to accept the cruel treatment he receives from humans, other dogs, and the forces of nature. Buck eventually sheds all ties with his past and relies on primordial instincts. Throughout his ordeal and forced reality, he becomes a respected and feared leader in the wild.

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Way of the lawless

In this classic and timeless Western novel, the young Andrew Lanning, following dangerous feelings instead of rational thoughts, makes a mistake that will forever haunt him. And mistakes have consequences. Following Lanning’s footsteps is the most feared lawman and gunslinger in the mountain desert, Hal Dozier, who will stop at nothing to bring the outlaw Lanning to justice. Yet, not everyone believes that Lanning should face justice, including the beautiful Sally. But, is Lanning’s fate already sealed and is he facing certain doom?

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In this classic and timeless Western novel, hero Anthony Bard overcomes all obstacles to track down the killer of his father across the mighty wild west. The wheels of the story are set in motion when, one night, Bard’s father is mysteriously murdered in cold blood. Bard, without any experience riding in the tough west, begins his journey to seek justice. Soon enough, Bard learns that a ruthless and legendary outlaw who has never been defeated in a gunfight, one Steve Nash, is behind the death of Bard’s father. Facing great odds and surviving many challenges, Bard keeps getting closer and closer to getting justice. In the midst of Bard’s revenge, he meets the beautiful Sally Fortune, a young businesswoman who tries to change his mind. But fate has a few surprises awaiting to our hero as well as to the ruthless outlaws seeking revenge in the plains and mountains of the unforgiving wild west.

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The Untamed

In this classic and timeless Western novel, we are introduced to the mighty, Whistlin’ Dan Berry, one of the most charismatic characters in Western fiction. The one and only Whistlin’ Dan Berry has an extraordinary ability to control a wild stallion named Satan, and a terrifying wolf dog called Black Bart. Whistlin’ Dan Berry will start his saga of fame as a relentless gunslinger and justice seeker after being assaulted by the feared and vicious outlaw, Jim Silent. Whistlin’ Dan Berry is relentless in his vengeful search for the outlaw Silent and his gang, taking justice wherever he goes. The is the first book in the “Whistlin’ Dan” series.

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Yo compré un castillo

Yo compré un castillo

La vida aburrida de Joan en la gran metrópoli de London le llevó a buscar entretenimiento y esa suerte que jamás había tenido. ¡Bingo! Le tocó un dinero que a ella podía parecerle mucho, pero que en realidad era muy poco para comprar un castillo y Joan, en una subasta, consiguió comprarlo. ¡Horror, horror, no sabía bien lo que había llegado a comprar y ese día comenzó su increíble tragedia! La codicia, la lascivia, seres que ni en una pesadilla hubiera llegado a imaginar jamás que pudieran existir y que iban a pagarle con valiosas monedas de oro que no llegarían a enriquecerla. La codicia cedió ante el espanto y todo un mundo de embrujos y maldiciones se precipitó sobre aquella mujer anodina que se había atrevido a comprar el Castillo del Conde Roxlasky.

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Comité de vigilancia para matar

Comité de vigilancia para matar (Colección Oeste)

…Y en el viejo y legendario Oeste, las buenas intenciones en una comarca ganadera provocan resultados catastróficos, especialmente cuando se establecen grupos para ajusticiar a los cuatreros y a los ladrones, que luego se vuelven todavía peores que los criminales que se suponía debían ajusticiar…

En el salvaje oeste Americano, también conocido como “far west” o “wild west”, los vaqueros (cowboys) y los pistoleros (gunman) se repartían las aventuras a partes iguales siendo héroes y villanos, dependiendo de la zona y de la situación en la que se encontraban. Los famosos relatos sobre el viejo o lejano oeste coincidieron con la exploración de los territorios vírgenes del “oeste” Americano. El estilo de vida que tuvieron en el viejo oeste estaba ligado a la explotación de las minas, la crianza de ganado, y el cultivo de la tierra. Las ciudades del viejo oeste eran unas cuantas casas de madera, una tienda para comprar los artículos variados, varias cantinas (saloons), la oficina con cárcel del sheriff, una pequeña escuela, y a veces un local de oración. Era una época de violencia, donde es habitual el uso del plomo y de la cuerda, para solucionar todo tipo de problemas. Y un lugar en el que la justicia del ojo por ojo era la salsa de cada día, y donde el Colt era el instrumento favorito para solucionar problemas.

La Colección Oeste® le presenta las mejores historias del oeste en Español. Para leer las últimas novedades, visite la página internet de Amazon o nuestra página web localizada en®. También están a la venta otras colecciones del oeste en Español de los grandes autores como FRANK DUGGAN, JOHN MASTERSON, LEE SEBASTIAN, J.J. MONTANA, SAMUEL WILCOX, ZANE GREY, B.M. BOWER, MARCIAL LAFUENTE ESTEFANÍA, MAX BRAND, CARLOS CLEVELAND, y de muchos otros más.

Visítenos en® para ver todas las últimas novedades.®

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