In this classic and timeless Western novel, heroine Valeria Peyton, with her romantic dreams of the West, arrived in the desolate little cow town of Hope to marry a cowboy, Manley Fleetwood. But he was not there to meet her and in his stead was taciturn Kent Burnett, cow hand, with evasive excuses. Later, when Manley did appear, her pride would not let her see the change in him and they were married in Kent’s disapproving presence. The rambling ranch house of the rising young cattle rancher, proved to be a forlorn shack far out in the Lonesome Land. Valeria valiantly tried to adjust herself to the bleak outlook of a prairie wife, and while doing so, she found out that she was married to a drunk. Rising above her disgust and disillusionment, she tried to help him but he sank lower and lower. Then disaster fell and most of their meager possessions were destroyed by a prairie fire. But in its wake she found staunch friends and a friend in Kent Burnett, who barely saved her life. It was only when she learned that her husband had turned rustler that she decided to leave him, with dramatic events leading to a killing.
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